Publications / Talks
All papers (ADS)
*Students /**Postdocs supervised by me
A Comprehensive Characterization of Galaxy - Cool CGM Connections at z<0.4 with DESI Year 1 data
Ng, Yu Voon*, Lan, T.-W., Prochaska, J. X., et al., 2025, to be submittedA Deep Search for a Strong Diffuse Interstellar Band in the Circumgalactic Medium
Chang, Chih-Yuan* & Lan, T.-W., 2025, submittedDESI Emission Line Galaxies: Unveiling the Diversity of [OII] Profiles and its Links to Star Formation and Morphology
Lan,. T.-W., Prochaska, J. X., Moustakas, J., et al., 2024, ApJ, 977, 225Probing the Impact of Radio-Mode Feedback on the Properties of the Cool Circumgalactic Medium
Chang, Yu-Ling**, Lan,. T.-W., Prochaska, J. X., et al., 2024, ApJ, 974, 191The DESI Survey Validation: Results from Visual Inspection of Bright Galaxies, Luminous Red Galaxies, and Emission Line Galaxies
Lan, T.-W., Tojeiro, R., Armengaud, E., Prochaska, J. X., Davis, T., Alexander, D., Raichoor, A., Zhou, R., Yèche, C. et al., 2023, ApJ, 943, 68DESI 2024 V: Full-Shape Galaxy Clustering from Galaxies and Quasars
DESI collaboration (including Lan, T.-W.), 2024, submittedDESI 2024 VII: Cosmological Constraints from Full-Shape Modeling of Clustering Measurements
DESI collaboration (including Lan, T.-W.), 2024, submittedDESI 2024 II: Sample definitions, Characterization, and Two-point Clustering Statistics
DESI collaboration (including Lan, T.-W.), 2024, submittedTracing the evolution of the cool gas in CGM and IGM environments through MgII absorption from redshift z=0.75 to z=1.65 using DESI-Y1 data
Wu, X, Cai, Z., Lan, T.-W., et al. 2024, submittedELG Spectroscopic Systematics Analysis of the DESI Data Release 1
Yu, J., et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2024DESI 2024 VI: Cosmological Constraints from the Measurements of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
DESI collaboration (including Lan, T.-W.), 2024DESI 2024 IV: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from the Lyman Alpha Forest
DESI collaboration (including Lan, T.-W.), 2024DESI 2024 III: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Galaxies and Quasars
DESI collaboration (including Lan, T.-W.), 2024The Early Data Release of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
DESI collaboration (including Lan, T.-W.), 2023, AJ, submittedValidation of the Scientific Program for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
DESI collaboration (including Lan, T.-W.), 2024, AJ, 167, 2Detecting and characterizing MgII absorption in DESI Survey Validation Quasar Spectra
Napolitano, L. et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2023, ApJ, submittedPerformance of the Quasar Spectral Templates for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
Brodzeller, A. et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2023, AJ, submittedThe Spectroscopic Data Processing Pipeline for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
Guys, J. et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2022, AJ, acceptedThe Target Selection Pipeline for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
Myers, A. et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2023, AJ, 165, 22Target Selection and Validation of DESI Quasars
Chaussidon, E. et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2022, AJ, acceptedTarget Selection for the DESI Emission Line Galaxy (ELG) Sample
Raichoor, A. et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2023, AJ, 165, 126DESI Bright Galaxy Survey: Final Target Selection, Design, and Validation
Hahn, C. et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2023, AJ, 165, 6Target Selection and Validation of DESI Luminous Red Galaxies
Zhou, R. et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2023, AJ, 165, 58The DESI Survey Validation: Results from Visual Inspection of the Quasar Survey Spectra
Alexander, D. et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2023, AJ, 165, 124Overview of the Instrumentation for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
Abareshi, B. et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2022, AJ, 164, 207A pair of early and late-forming galaxy cluster samples: evidence of halo assembly bias?
Lin, Yen-Ting et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2022, A&A letter, 666, 97
NTU publication (above)
On the Environments of Giant Radio Galaxies
Lan, T.-W. & Prochaska, J. X., 2021 MNRAS, 502, 5104Constraining Magnetic fields in the Circumgalactic Medium
Lan, T.-W. & Prochaska, J. X., 2020, MNRAS, 496, 3142The Co-Evolution of Galaxies and the Cool Circumgalactic Medium Probed with the SDSS and DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys
Lan, T.-W., 2020, ApJ, 897, 97Exploring the physical properties of the cool circumgalactic medium with a semi-analytic model
Lan, T.-W. & Mo, H.J, 2019, MNRAS, 486, 608The circumgalactic medium of eBOSS emission line galaxies: signatures of galactic outflows in gas distribution and kinematics
Lan, T.-W. & Mo, H.J, 2018, ApJ, 866, 36On the limitations of statistical absorption studies with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I--III
Lan, T.-W., Ménard, B., Baron, D., Johnson, S., Poznanski, D., Prochaska, J.X., & O’Meara, J., 2018, MNRAS, 477, 3520Mg II absorbers: metallicity evolution and cloud morphology
Lan, T.-W., & Fukugita, M., 2017, ApJ, 850, 156The galaxy luminosity function in groups and clusters: the faint-end upturn and the connection to the field luminosity function The CLFs data
Lan, T.-W., Ménard, B., & Mo, H.J, 2016, MNRAS, 459, 3998Exploring the diffuse interstellar bands with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey The DIB maps
Lan, T.-W., Ménard, B., & Zhu, G. 2015, MNRAS, 452, 3626The Properties of the Cool Circumgalactic Gas Probed with the SDSS, WISE, and GALEX Surveys The covering fraction data
Lan, T.-W., Ménard, B., & Zhu, G. 2014, ApJ, 795, 31Shattering as a source of small grains in the circumgalactic medium
Hirashita, H & Lan, T.-W. 2021, MNRAS, 505, 1794A comparative study of satellite galaxies in Milky Way-like galaxies from HSC, DECaLS, and SDSS
Wang, W, Takada, M., Li, X et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2021, MNRAS, 500, 3776The Sixteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra
Ahumada, R., et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2020, ApJS, 249, 3Overview of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys
Dey, A., Schlegel, D., Lang, D., et al. (including Lan, T.-W.) 2019, AJ, 157, 168The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA Derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools and Stellar Library
Aguado, D. S., et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2019, ApJS, 240, 23The stellar halo of isolated central galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam imaging survey
Wang, W., et al. (including Lan, T.-W.), 2019, MNRAS, 487, 1580Testing galaxy formation models with galaxy stellar mass functions
Lim, S., Mo, H.J, Lan, T.-W., Ménard, B., 2017, MNRAS, 464, 3256Calcium H & K and sodium D absorption induced by the interstellar and circumgalactic media of the Milky Way
Murga, M., Zhu, G., Ménard, B., & Lan, T.-W. 2015, MNRAS, 452, 511The Eleventh and Twelfth Data Releases of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Final Data from SDSS-III
Alam, S., Albareti, F. D., Allende Prieto, C., et al. (including Lan, T.-W.) 2015 , ApJS, 219, 12The Tenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment
Ahn, C. P., Alexandroff, R., Allende Prieto, C., et al. (including Lan, T.-W.) 2014 , ApJS, 211, 17
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Physics Society of Taiwan, 2025, 1/14
Seminar: [Outreach] 臺大物理系系學會分享 2024, 10/01
Conference: Multuphase Madness: Resolving the CGM in Theory and Observations, 2024, 8/21
Seminar: [Outreach] Astronomy clubs of Taipei high schools 北集星, 2024, 7/24
Conference: [Invited] Localization of Fast Radio Bursts, 2024, 6/26
Seminar: [Outreach] NTU Alumni Association, 2023, 10/7
Seminar: [Outreach] Astronomy on Tap Taipei, 2023, 10/5
Workshop: [Invited] Yushan Fellowship Orientation, 2023, 9/1
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Physics Society of Taiwan, 2023, 1/16
Colloquium: [Invited] National Central University 2022, 12/2
Seminar: National Taiwan University 2022, 11/9
Seminar: [Outreach] 高中生物理系參訪 2022, 11/5
Seminar: [Outreach] 高中生物理科學人才培育計畫 2022, 10/15
Seminar: [Outreach] 臺大物理系系學會分享 2022, 10/06
Conference: ASROC 2022, 2022, 10/02
Seminar: [Invited] National Normal Taiwan University, 2022, 05/04
Colloquium: [Invited] National Tsing Hua University 2022, 04/08
Seminar: [Outreach] 高中生物理科學人才培育計畫 2022, 03/26
Colloquium: [Invited] National Cheng Kung University 2022, 03/25
Conference: [Invited] Galaxy evolution 2022, 2022, 02/08
Seminar: [Outreach] 臺大物理系物理營星系天文物理, 2022 01/25
Workshop: [Invited] SECA workshop, 2022, 1/15
Seminar: National Taiwan University, 2021, 12/09
Seminar: ASIAA student seminar 2021, 11/30
Seminar: [Invited] UC San Diego & San Diego State University, 2021, 11/12
Conference: KIAA Forum on Gas in Galaxies for Early Career Scientists , 2021 11/03
Seminar: [Invited] Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, 2021, 10/29
Seminar: [Outreach] 臺大物理系系學會分享 2021, 10/21
Conference: Jets 2021, 2021 06/15
Collaboration Meeting: DESI 2021 summer, 2021, 06/14
Conference: UCSC Postdoc symposium, 2021 05/25
Conference: Multi-object Spectroscopy for Statistical Measures of Galaxy Evolution, 2021 05/19
Conference: Galaxy evolution 2021, 2021 02/02
Collaboration Meeting: DESI 2020 winter, 2020 12/10
Seminar: [Invited] National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2020 11/26
Conference: Multiscale Feedback on Galaxy Evolution, Hsinchu, 2020, 10/21
Seminar: [Invited] National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, 2020, 10/16
Conference: 2020 ASROC Annual Meeting, Taipei, 2020 9/4
Conference: [Invited] CGM@ND workshop in Ireland, postponed
Seminar: CRAFT collaboration meeting, 2020 05/20
Conference: [Invited] The Arthur M. Wolfe Symposium in Astrophysics, postponed
Collaboration Meeting: DESI, 2020 03/13
Seminar: Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, 2020 01/14
Seminar: [Invited] National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, 2019 12/30
Seminar: [Invited] National Central University, Taoyuan, 2019 12/13
Conference: [Invited] Galaxy Formation and Evolution Across Cosmic Time, Taipei, 2019 12/9
Conference: [Invited] 2019 Shanghai Assembly on Cosmology and Galaxy formation, Shanghai, 2019 11/5
Seminar: [Invited] University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, 2019 10/25
Conference: [Invited] The Circumgalactic Medium @ Berlin 2019, Berlin, 2019 10/4
Seminar: [Invited] Osaka University, Osaka, 2019 7/17
Seminar: [Invited] Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2019 6/27
Conference: What matter(s) between galaxies, Sarteano, 2019 6/3
Seminar: Machine learning seminar @ IPMU, Kashiwa, 2019 5/8
Conference: Extremely Big Eyes on the Early Universe, Kashiwa, 2019 3/27
Collaboration Meeting: PFS Shanghai Jian Tong University, Shanghai, 2018 12/10
Seminar: [Invited] Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 2018 11/22
Seminar: ASIAA, Taipei, 2018 10/16
Conference: IGM 2018: Revealing Cosmology and Reionization History with the Intergalactic Medium, Kashiwa, 2018 9/21
Conference: Galaxy-IGM workshop, Tsukuba, 2018 08/10
Conference: Intergalatic Interconnections, Marseille, 2018 07/11
Seminar: The Institute of Astrophysics in Paris (IAP), Paris, 2018 07/05
Collaboration Meeting: SDSS-IV Sejong University, Seoul, 2018 06/19
Seminar: [Invited] NAOJ seminar, Tokyo, 2018 06/08
Seminar: IPMU astro seminar, Kashiwa, 2018 05/22
Seminar: Stanford University, 2018, 04/13
Seminar: University of California, Santa Cruz, 2018, 04/10
Seminar: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, 2018 04/03
Conference: Tokyo Spring Cosmic Lyman-Alpha Workshop 2018, Tokyo, 2018 03/28
Conference: East Asian Young Astronomers Meeting 2017, Ishigaki, 2017 11/17
Seminar: STScI/JHU Galaxy Journal club, Baltimore, 2017 09/29
Seminar: Bahcall lunch, Institute for Advanced study, Princeton, 2017 09/26
Seminar: Princeton University Galread, Princeton, 2017 09/25
Seminar: Columbia University, New York, 2017 09/21
Conference: Chemical evolution of the Universe, New York, 2017 09/19
Conference: What matter(s) around galaxies, Durham, 2017 06/19
Seminar: IPMU astro seminar, Kashiwa, 2017 04/18
Conference: Theoretical astronomy in 2016 (NAOJ workshop) [Invited], Toyama, 2016 11/15
Seminar: IPMU astro seminar, Kashiwa, 2016 09/13
Conference: IGM tomography [Invited], Kashiwa, 2016 08/30
Seminar: ASIAA special seminar, Taipei, 2016 08/19
Lecture: ASIAA summer student program, Taipei, 2016 08/08
Collaboration Meeting: SDSS IV, Madison, 2016, 06/27
Conference: Galaxies in Absorption 7th, Pittsburgh, 2016, 04/25
Conference: [Invited] Big data in astronomy , Tel Aviv, 2015 12/14
Seminar: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, 2015 11/18
Seminar: New York University, New York, 2015 10/02
Seminar: Princeton University, Princeton, 2015 09/30
Seminar: Yale University, New Haven, 2015 09/16
Seminar: Penn State University, State College, 2015 09/10
Seminar: Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, 2015 08/12
Conference: Metal enrichment of diffuse gas in the Universe, Sesto, Italy, 2015 07/31
Seminar: National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, 2015 05/12
Conference: The annual Goddard-JHU Interaction Day, Baltimore, 2014 11/21
Seminar: University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, 2014 10/31
Seminar: The Institute of Astrophysics in Paris (IAP), Paris, 2014 09/24
Conference: Galaxies in Absorption 6th, Paris, 2014 09/22
Conference: DC/MD/VA Astrophysics Summer Meeting, Washington DC, 2014
Seminar: Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 2014
Conference: The impact of gas fueling, quenching, and feedback on the growth of galaxies, South Bend, 2014
Collaboration Meeting: SDSS, Baltimore, 2013
Conference: The physical link between galaxies and their halos, Garching, 2013
Seminar: ASIAA, Taipei, 2013
Collaboration Meeting: SDSS BOSS, Pittsburgh, 2012
"A word after a word after a word is power." - Margaret Atwood
Image credit: Alfons Morales from Unsplash
Copyright © Ting-Wen Lan. All rights reserved.